Tjollahoppsan i Solen !

Woke up today at an "unknown" place, i think you can figure out where. Though, slept to 12pm. Mr D didnt wake me up. But i must was the sleep in a very very very long time. I think it was in January last time i slept o good. Even if it was at Mr D's place. This whole place reminds me off the "Alien" time, so it was a lill hard to wake up.

Im using Daniel's computer now and his "s" button is a lill bit slow if i miss an S sometimes you'll know why.

So, this day, Saturday, woke up with the sun shinning. Daniel gave me a ride home. I called Veronica's sister and we went out to the garage, to practise driving. At first it went good but got few breakdowns and my car doent like on and off's, but its not her fault. She did good, even though theres a lots of things she need to practise... GO GO GO FIA !! You'll soon have you driving licence.

At 2.30pm she had to go, so i went back to the garage and kept the boys company by sitting in a chair and sunbathing whole afternoon, i thought i needed some sunburn, hehe. I know you guys hate when i say that :-P After awhile i got hungry and started to terrorizing Daniel about go somewhere and eat. He said he will call me when he was done in the garage. I went over to Veronica's house, and we talked about go to the Greek Restaurant here in town. so i called Daniel and he agreed. Said and done, as Gotthard sings, hehe. Went in to town and had a nice evenings dinner, me, Veronica and Daniel. Sat out on the terrace and had a beer, was nice.

Then we drove Veronica home, and i went with Daniel back to his place, where i am now writing this. Probly gonna sleep here tonight, depends what the time says.

Tomorrow my parents coming, oh, i meant, they drive half way here, they didnt have the enery to drive... ehhh the last 40 mins here. So we're (me and Daniel) driving there, pick up my birthday present and then leave.. Tomorrow is even a special day, it 2 day annirversary for me and Daniel, in that way we met first time 2 years ago. so we're going to have dinner at the restaurant we had dinner first time. Will be very nice. I hope the weather still nice tomorrow.

I think i'll finish writing for today. Maybe put a few lines tomorrow night.

Goodnight and take care.

Oh btw, almot forgot, you American guys, Daniel i going to Usa next week as you know already know of, but make sure he is ok, i'll give him your cellphone number Vekkel, so he can txt you if something happens. They're gonna give them a cellphone that works in Usa, not sure if it will work to call/txt mess to Sweden, but if not, he has your number and you can txt me whenever he txt you. I hope you will keep an eye on him. I'll give you his number too so you can call and make sure everything is good. Its better to have many options to know whats going and not need it than none and need it. You know what i mean. To have many possible ways to reach him gonna make me less worried.
Thanks in advance!!

Now i'll go to bed very soon, see you guys later ! Bye and Gnite !

Veronica, Thanks for a lovely evening, and watch out for the "All in" hehehehe!!  ;-)


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