Hej o godkväll !

I'll write in english.

I was working yesterday, tuesday, 4pm-11pm. Had to work overtime. Then later when i came home Daniel came over and we ate late night waffles, with apple sauce and whipped cream, soooo goood !!!! When i looked at the time it was 2.30am, frikking late, so Daniel went home and i went to bed.

Woke up today, first from the cellphone, at 9am, was really tired. Continued sleeping and woke up at 10.30am. Took a shower, opend the balcony door and saw the SUN was shinning. Called Veronica and "ordered" (asked) her to go out for a walk. She said yes and i had some breakfast before i went over to her place. We met up halfway, then we went down to the store and bought the  first Ice Cream of the year !! Was sooo nice!!

Then we were spoz to go where me and Daniel went everyday during the summer, but we came down to the community bath, bathing place where ppl go bathing during the summers. Sat there and watched two geese swimming in the water. Veronica went down to take a picture but they swam away. Typical :-P

This is how it looked at the bathing place. Very beautiful.
Me in the sun, so nice. maybe i need little sunburn, think i look a little bit green about the gills, haha (blek om kinden)

After the walk we got hungry, so i txt mess Daniel and asked if he wanted to join us with lunch, and he said yes, so we went to a nice place and had lunch. After the walk i felt eat a little healthy so i had a salad. Then after the lunch Daniel gave me ride in to the town. Was meeting up with some friends and went to a meeting.
After that we went to store and bought some food.

My friend gave me a ride home and then i packed my bath things, bathing suit, towel and some new clean clothes (speaking of clothes, need to book a laundry time soon) Went over to Veronica and we went swimming. I can tell it was years since i was swimming, my body is tired lol. But im going again on friday, will be nice. After the swim we went home to Veronica and watch some hockey. HV71 (my team, the best hehe) won their first game of seven in the final play. Felt good. Then i went home, so now i sit here, waiting to finish this writing and then go to bed. Gonna be so good. Im gonna turn off the cellphone this time, so it wont wake me up.

Im saying goodnight now, and i'll write again in a couple of days.
Take care everyone.

GET IT !!!!


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